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Total Person Program

It is the mission of Georgia Tech Athletics to educate and empower student-athletes to be champions life, through leadership development, professional development, personal growth & wellness, and community outreach. Dr. Homer Rice, former Georgia Tech Athletics Director, originally conceived the Total Person concept on his belief that excellence results from a balanced life that encompasses academic excellence, athletic achievement, and personal well-being. Georgia Tech was the originator of what is now adopted as the NCAA CHAMPS/Life Skills program due to the existence of the Total Person concept.



  • Leadership Development:
    Mission: Equip our student-athletes with tools and principles to strengthen their foundation of resiliency and mental toughness to help them build positive teams by developing accountability, improving decision-making, and increasing effective communication.
  • Career Development:
    Mission: Provide resources for our student-athletes to determine their career interests, develop resumes, prepare for job interviews, learn how to market themselves in the workforce, and assist with internship opportunities and potential full-time employment upon completion of their degree.
  • Total Wellness:
    Mission: Enhance the overall well-being of the student-athlete with educational programs, resources and workshops.
  • Community Outreach:
    Mission: Highlight the importance of giving back and being a role model for aspiring young students and athletes by providing student-athletes opportunities to serve their communities.
  • Social Impact:
    Mission: Create opportunities for student-athletes to learn and discuss social issues while empowering them to affect positive change in the community.



Stay Connected

Instagram: @GT_TPP

LinkedIn: Total Person Program


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